How To Break The Habit of Snoozing The Alarm?

I figured out the why to beat it.

Raji Pillay
4 min readAug 23, 2021

Have you ever wondered why you snooze no matter how determined you are to wake up as soon as the alarm goes off?

I have. For years.

2 books made me realize I had conditioned my brain to snooze the alarm. Snoozing was now a habit. It had got nothing to do with waking up or sleeping in.

The act of hitting the snooze button when it went off, was the habit I created.

The probability that you will wake up, once you break the habit of snoozing is high. I can testify.

The 2 Parts of Our Brain

Let me start with 2 concepts I read by prominent people.

Sigmund Freud

From his book “The Interpretation of Dreams”
The unconscious processing capability of the brain is approximately 11 million bits of information per second. Conscious processing is extremely slow in comparison, at a maximum of 40 bits of information per second.

Daniel Kahneman

From his book “Thinking Fast and Slow”



Raji Pillay

I bring my love for books, coffee, technology and life in general to my writing. Blockchain has caught my fancy and I am exploring it as I write.