Re-defining Productivity During the Pandemic

Dipped Productivity or Increased Burnout

Raji Pillay
6 min readMay 28, 2020

First & foremost, let’s acknowledge that we are working amidst a global crisis. Whether one is working from home or at the frontline, this — a Pandemic — is not normal. It is not Business as Usual. It is just not.

And hence businesses should not be expecting their employees to be working as usual as if nothing happened, just because we are in the safety of our homes. The world as we knew it has changed. One does not need to have contracted COVID to be considered as impacted.

These are times when leaders need to lead with empathy and compassion.

“I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.” — Jacinda Ardern

This is a time to stop (well, the stop was kinda forced on us, wasn’t it!) & completely reassess our ways of working, our KPIs, our entire perception towards & measurement of productivity.

No one knows what the new “normal” is going to look like. Right now, there are only speculations. The new “normal” reality will unravel itself with time, and humans will have to be agile in bracing this new reality.



Raji Pillay

I bring my love for books, coffee, technology and life in general to my writing. Blockchain has caught my fancy and I am exploring it as I write.